The student who intends to carry out an INTRAMOENIA internship is required to contact in advance a Professor, in order to verify the existing availability to start a training activity.
The student will have to:
- Fill in, with personal data, the first two sections of the INTRAMOENIA “Training Project” template available on the following Ateneo Internships Students website
- Fill in, cooperating with the Tutor, the Sections of the above-mentioned template related to the hosting department/structure, the tutor's data, and the planning of the internship activities (duration, objectives, and methods).
After the completion of the steps for safety assurance (click here), the student will have to:
- Send the “Training Project”, signed by both the trainee and the university Tutor, to the MOVE Master’s Degree Programme Chair, Prof. Stanislao Patalano (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
After signing the form, MOVE Master’s Degree Programme Chair will send, by e-mail, the “Training Project.pdf” to the student, to the university Tutor and to the staff member of the General Affairs, Research and Teaching Office of the Department of Industrial Engineering Luigi Calvanese (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).