- Degree class: LM33 - Mechanical Engineering Master's Degree
- Didactic area: Engineering
- School: Polytechnic and Basic Sciences’ School
- Department: Department of Industrial Engineering
- Point of Contact: Prof. Stanislao Patalano
- Duration of the course: two years
- Locations: Teaching activities in classes and labs are carried out in Naples at the new Campus in San Giovanni a Teduccio. Further facilities are available in Fuorigrotta (close to the Armando Maradona Stadium).

prof. Nicola BiancoHead of the Department of Industrial Engineering

prof. Nicola BiancoHead of the Department of Industrial Engineering

prof. Stanislao PatalanoChair of the MOVE Master's Degree Programme

prof. Stanislao PatalanoChair of the MOVE Master's Degree Programme

prof. Giancarmine FasanoContact person for International Students

prof. Giancarmine FasanoContact person for International Students

prof. Stefania SantiniContact person for student orientation

prof. Stefania SantiniContact person for student orientation

prof. Alfredo GimelliContact person for training activities

prof. Alfredo GimelliContact person for training activities

Representative of the student body

Matteo Palomba

Matteo Palomba

Francesco Conversano

Francesco Conversano